VisAustralia Offices

VisAustralia has offices in Canberra, Australia, and Mexico City. We invite you to contact one of our offices for information or assistance with your visa inquiry

VisAustralia head office (Australia)

VisAustralia (International) Pty Ltd
Office 5, Level 1
Bailey’s Corner
145 London Circuit
Canberra City, ACT, 2601

Phone: +61 (2) 6247 7577
              +61 (2) 6145 2274

VisAustralia (México)

VisAustralia Mexico
Aniceto Ortega 817
Colonia del Valle, C.P. 03100
México D.F.

Phone: +52 55 3600 5038

Mundo Australia (Colombia)

Mundo Australia
Circular 73B # 76E-18
Edificio San Esteban, Oficina 206
Barrio Laureres
Medellin - Colombia

Phone: +57 31 7864 3480

Ask a question

Use the following form to ask about moving to Australia. One of our expert consultants will respond to you as soon as possible.

You can also contact VisAustralia by email:

Questions about VisAustralia Services 

Q. What is VisA On-line, the VisAustralia Assessment Tool?
Q. What is the VisAustralia Legal Consultation?
Q. How long is the first interview?
Q. Do you provide a total cost of the visa process prior to our commitment to use your services?
Q. Is your service all inclusive or will I as the applicant have to do certain parts of the process by myself?
Q. What will VisAustralia do to help me get my visa?
Q. Are translations included as part of the VisAustralia professional service?
Q. Is the sending of documents by courier to the Australian authorities included?
Q. Is the accreditation or recognition of my profession with the necessary body included in your services?
Q. In your services do you source employment opportunities for me?
Q. Do you have finance plans where I can pay the cost of professional visa services off on a monthly basis?
Q. Can I use VisAustralia consultation services on an hourly basis as I need assistance at each step?
Q. What is your success rate for visas?
Other Questions

Q. Who can be included in my visa application?
Q. Can my children be included in my visa application and, if so, is there an additional cost?
Q. Can gay partners apply for the visa?
Q. What family members can sponsor my application for a skilled visa?
Q. I have a US visa, is this an advantage when applying for an Australian visa?
Q. What is the usual turnaround time for visas to be granted? 
Q. Will the Department of Immigration interview me as part of my visa application?
Q.  What happens if I am not formally married to my partner?
Q.  How do I accredit my work experience and qualifications?
Q.  Why do I need to apply for a criminal record check?


Questions about VisAustralia Services

  Q. What is VisA On-line, the VisAustralia Assessment Tool?

 A. The VisAustralia Self Assessment Tool (VisA On-line) is a free service designed to assist you understand your real options for moving to Australia. VisA On-line is a specialist application that accurately assesses your eligibility to migrate to Australia. VisA On-line is based on the most recent version of the Migration Regulations and is the most sophisticated on-line self assessment system of its kind on the Internet.

On completing VisA On-line you will:

  • know whether you are eligible to migrate to Australia; 
  • be given your points test score; receive the name of your visa and a description of your visa entitlements;
  • understand your visa options if you are not eligible for a visa now;
  • receive an obligation-free email confirming your results;
  • and be invited to contact VisAustralia through our free-call system to discuss your e-Key results with one of our expert consultants.

The software behind VisA On-line is current with the Migration Act 1958. Back to top

 Q. What is the VisAustralia Legal Consultation?

A. The purpose of the Consultation is to allow one of our lawyers to confirm your eligibility for a visa and define your best visa strategy. We will also explain the process of applying for the visa to you, the timeframes, how much it costs, and will answer any questions that you might have about Australia or the visa process.

Four assessments in one

During the Legal Consultation our lawyer or migration agent will review your qualifications and work experience, and will establish your best accreditation occupation. We will review the Australian states offering the best sponsorship opportunities for you and whether your level of English is sufficient to meet the visa rules. We will also identify any critical visa time periods, confirm the eligibility of your family members, and identify any potential health or character issues.   

If you are not eligible for a visa we will give you advice about strategies for becoming eligible in the future.

The assessment result will be confirmed in writing after the Consultation is complete.

The “four assessments in one” consultation is personal and is delivered by an experienced migratoin agent who specialises in this area of law. This represents a unique opportunity to speak directly to an expert in the field of Australian immigration about your case and ask all the necessary questions.

The Legal Consultation will be by video conference if you have an Internet connection or by telephone if you do not. Back to top

 Q. How long is the first interview?

A. The initial consultation is very comprehensive and takes approximately one hour. Back to top

 Q. Do you provide a total cost of the visa process prior to our commitment to use your services?

A. Once you have had a Legal Consultation with VisAustralia, and we have assessed your situation and made a recommendation, we send you a written report and also a copy of our professional agreement which outlines the total costs including our professional service fee. Back to top

 Q. Is your service all inclusive or will I as the applicant have to do certain parts of the process by myself?

A. Our service is all inclusive; we work hand in hand with our clients through each step of the process. Back to top

 Q. What will VisAustralia do to help me get my visa?

A. Throughout the visa process VisAustralia will work with you closely to prepare the best applications possible. It is our responsibility to prepare quality documentation demonstrating that you satisfy the legal requirements for the visa and follow the visa processes in the most efficient way.

In particular, our professional services include the following: 

  • Review of your qualifications, academic record and academic transcript 
  • Review of your essays, letters of reference and curriculum vitae Preparation of your accreditation, sponsorship, and visa applications
  • Sending your applications to the relevant Australian authorities
  • Advocacy of your case before the Australian authorities Advice in relation to the IELTS exam 
  • Advice in relation to the medical exams
  • Advice in relation to the application for your police certificates
  • Advice about what to expect while your application is being processed 
  • Advice about what happens when a decision to grant your visa is made
  • Advice about your entitlements as a permanent resident and how to apply for citizenship in the future
  • Personal responses to your questions throughout the visa process.

 Back to top

 Q. Are translations included as part of the VisAustralia professional service?

A. In some cases, yes. 

All documents sent to Australia must be translated from the original language. In some cases documents must be translated by an official translator and in other cases documents can be translated carefully but informally.

Reflecting VisAustralia’s special service to those who speak Spanish, the cost of official translations from Spanish into English can be is included in our professional work.

For other language groups we can arrange for an official translator to translate your documents, but this will carry an additional fee. Back to top

 Q.  Is the sending of documents by courier to the Australian authorities included?

A. Of course.

VisAustralia is responsible for each part of your visa application including the sending of documents by courier to the relevant Australian authorities. You must however send your documents to us first so that we can compile your application. Back to top

 Q. Is the accreditation or recognition of my profession with the necessary body included in your services?

A. If it is necessary as part of your visa requirements, yes. For example, if you apply for a skilled visa it is necessary to be accredited in your occupation in order to apply for the visa, so the accreditation process is included in our services. However if you are applying for a partner visa it is not a requirement for the visa to have your skills assessed or recognised. Back to top

 Q. In your services do you source employment opportunities for me?

A. No, VisAustralia will provide information about recruitment agencies but you would be responsible for finding a job once you arrive in Australia. Australian companies will not be able to offer you a job unless you have a visa that allows you to work in Australia. Statistics from the Department of Immigration indicate that over 80% of skilled migrants find a job within the first 6 months. Back to top

 Q. Do you have finance plans where I can pay the cost of professional visa services off on a monthly basis?

A. VisAustralia has payment plans where you pay as each step of our work is completed. The 1st payment is due upon signing the agreement and enables us to start work on your case. When the rest of the installments are paid depends on the type of visa you are applying for, and the steps that are involved in the process. These will be outlined in the professional agreement we send you once we have done your assessment. Back to top

 Q. Can I use VisAustralia consultation services on an hourly basis as I need assistance at each step pay?

A. The VisAustralia professional agreement covers all aspects of the visa process: instructions on the required documentation, translations, preparation, compilation, review, formatting and lodging of all necessary applications.

If you want to do the work yourself our consultation fee is AUD$275 per hour. Back to top

 Q. What is your success rate for visas?

A. We prepare highly professional applications that fulfill the legal requirements in order to ensure a visa grant. If at the time of lodging an application you meet the legal criteria, you are highly likely to receive a visa. Back to top

Other Questions

 Q. Who can be included in my visa application?

A. The people who can be included in your visa application are you, your spouse, and your children whether adopted or biological.

The Visa Application Charge imposed by the Australian Government and VisAustralia's professional fee covers everyone who is included in the visa application. Back to top

 Q. Can my children be included in my visa application and, if so, is there an additional cost?

A. Yes. Your children can be included in your visa application as long as you can prove they are dependent on you. Additional costs include the translation of required documents and medical exams. If they are over 18 there will also be additional costs for their IELTS exams and police clearance certificates. Back to top

 Q. Can gay partners apply for the visa?

A. Yes.

If you have been living in a same sex de facto relationship for more than 12 months you can apply for the visa with your partner. As part of the application you must provide evidence of your domestic relationship with your partner. VisAustralia can provide advice on the documents that are accepted as evidence of your relationship. Back to top

 Q. What family members can sponsor my application for a skilled visa?

A. If you have a family member already living in Australia who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident they may be able to sponsor you for a skilled visa.

Your sponsor must be your child or parent, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, and in certain cases, your grandparent or cousin.

VisAustralia's VisA On-line provides accurate advice on whether your family member can sponsor you for a visa. Back to top

 Q. I have a US visa, is this an advantage when applying for an Australian visa?

A. No, migration rules and policies apply to everyone equally so there is no advantage (or disadvantage) in having a passport or visa from a particular country. Back to top

 Q. What is the usual turnaround time for visas to be granted? 

A. This depends on the type of visa you apply for. Generally partner visas and student visas are processed more quickly than Skilled Migration visas. Back to top

 Q. Will the Department of Immigration interview me as part of my visa application?

A. No.

A personal interview with an Australian departmental official is not part of the process of applying for a skilled visa.

The visa application is an evidence based application, and if you can demonstrate in your documents that you satisfy the legal criteria for a visa, you will get the visa. For this reason VisAustralia is very careful to prepare detailed and accurate applications.

Note: in certain cases departmental officials will contact your work referees to verify that your work references are true. Back to top

 Q.  What happens if I am not formally married to my partner?

A. You can apply for the visa with your partner if you have been living in a de facto relationship for more than 12 months.  

As part of the application you must provide evidence of your domestic relationship with your partner. VisAustralia can provide advice on the documents that are accepted as evidence of your relationship. Back to top

 Q.  How do I accredit my work experience and qualifications?

A. Before you can make your visa application you must be accredited in one of the 190 occupations in demand in Australia. Each occupation has its specific accrediting body, and the rules of the different accrediting bodies are all different.

 VisAustralia can provide advice on what you need to do to be accredited in your occupation. Back to top

 Q.  Why do I need to apply for a criminal record check?

A. People applying to migrate to Australia must provide a police record check as part of their application.

Examples of people who may not pass the character test include: 

  • People who have been gaoled for 12 months or more
  • People who constitute a threat to Australia’s national security
  • People who have been convicted of people smuggling or drug trafficking

Back to top

Using Free Call

To access the VisAustralia free call service select your country and type in your area code and phone number. One of our consultants will immediately call you on the number you have given. Please make sure your phone is not busy and you are available to receive our call.

Because this is an international call you must delete any zeros in the area code. For example, if you are calling from Sydney, Australia, your area code is 02 and you must delete the zero and enter only 2 as your area code.

How to Use Free Call With a Mobile Phone

To receive an international call on a mobile phone some countries require you to insert "mobile phone code " before your area code.

For example, to receive a call on a mobile phone in Mexico City you need to insert the mobile phone code of 1 before the area code of 55. The full number for a mobile is therefore: +52 1 55 XXXX XXXX (your 8 digit phone mobile phone number).

The following picture explains how this should look on our Free Call service.

Call Example1

Country examples.

The following table shows some examples of where you need to include a mobile phone code before your area code. If your region is not included in the table you may need to investigate the mobile phone code for your area.

Call Example1